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5 Reasons You Should Purchase a Home in 2021
5 Reasons You Should Purchase a Home in 2021
Rates continue to be low and it may be easier to get a mortgage. Though rates are slightly higher than their all-time low at the end of 2020, they are still an attractive option for many home buyers.
The cost of renting may be higher than the cost of owning a home. Recent studies have shown and many experts agree that home purchase can be up to 44% cheaper than renting, making home purchase more and more attractive.
Home prices are still relatively low. Although market trends vary from neighborhood to neighborhood, on a whole, housing prices have generally increased, yet inventories are relatively low. This can lead to additional upward price pressure, making now a good time to purchase a home.
The opportunity to invest your money and build equity is now. Investing your money into a new home purchase enables you to put your monthly payment towards equity. With rates as low as they are and home values holding steady, selling in 5 or 10 years at a profit may make sense for you.
Put current equity back to work. With current low fixed interest rates and a strong rental market, it may make sense to use equity to purchase a move up or rental investment property.
For more information on home buying and financing options, visit: https://www.robjohnsonloans.com/
Disclaimer: Please note that the resources listed by New Hope Community Church are not to be substituted for professional recommendations by your financial planner, real estate agent, loan officer, or other professional. New Hope Community Church is not responsible for the outcomes of the articles, videos, or ideas provided.