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Do you want more information or have questions, need prayer, or additional support? Fill out the form here and someone from New Hope will contact you.


Mexican Medical Missions
New Hope has supported MMM by sending teams for week-long mission trips as well as hosting supply drives such as school supplies and warm coats.
Prison Ministry

Prison Ministry Meeting
Select Mondays at 6:30pm
New Hope's new Prison Ministry meets once a month. If you'd like to attend, please RSVP to Nick Delgado.
Current Partnerships

Donations for City Life Mt. Hope Food Pantry​
Thank you for your generous donations to City Life Church. We would like to continue to help their food pantry as needed. Contact jasonh@go-newhope.com if you are able to help with the following roles:
Point of Contact to receive updates on the food pantry’s specific needs
Runners who can deliver and unload collected items to their food pantry
Mission Trip
Mission Trip Recap​​
Our team consisted of 13 dedicated members at La Esperanza (about 5 to 6 hours south of San Diego down the Baja Peninsula) from Sunday, June 9th to Friday, June 14th. We partnered and worked with Mexican Medical Ministries. Booky and Theresa Lewis are the missionaries stationed there. (They often attend New Hope when in San Diego.) Here’s a brief overview of our activities throughout the week...