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Jesus gave us a very simple command. Over and over in the four accounts of the life of Jesus, He

constantly told people, “Follow Me!”


In order to follow Jesus, we must get to know Jesus.

In order to get to know Jesus, we must read the Bible, especially the New Testament.


The Bible is described as:

“active & alive” – Hebrews - 4:12

“useful for teaching, correcting and training in righteousness”  2 Timothy 3:16-17

“a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” – Psalm 119:105

“[giving] wisdom,… knowledge and understanding.” – Proverbs 2:6

“more precious than gold,…sweeter than honey” – Psalm 19:10


How to Have a Meaningful Time with God

  • Start with the proper attitudes (Tell Jesus, you want to get to know Him better)

  • Select a specific time (Start with 5 to 10 minutes in the morning or evening)

  • Choose a special place (When you go there, you know it’s to get to know Jesus)

  • Follow a simple plan (There are 6 plans below. You get to choose! If you don’t know, start with “Exploring Jesus in 21 Days.”)


Below are six Bible Reading Plans to choose from. Choose the one that best suits you!

Select the Bible Reading Plan you'd like to start by clicking "Download" and filling out the form. You will be emailed a PDF file of your selected plan.


21 Days Through John

You will explore the life of Jesus through John’s account. Each day you will cover one chapter.


Seeking His Presence

(21 days)

Jesus lived in daily contact with the Father, seeking His presence, renewing His strength, and receiving instructions for His ministry. Learn how you can better connect with God.


Exploring Jesus in 21 Days

You will explore the life of Jesus by reading 2 of 4 accounts of Jesus’ life: Luke & John.


Life of Jesus in 45 Days

You will read through all 4 of the accounts of the life of Jesus (referred to as the “gospels”).


New Testament in 92 Days

Read through the entire New Testament in the order that the events actually occurred.


Entire Bible in 365 Days

Read through the entire Bible in 1 year in the order the events actually occurred.

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